Sellers like cash offers. Why? There's less risk of the deal not going through. Unfortunately, few people have hundreds of thousands of dollars laying around for just this occasion. That's why AnnieMac Home Mortgage created the Cash to Keys program.
You probably have lots of questions, I did. Like what exactly IS the program? Basically, you get prequalified with AnnieMac. Once you know how much you're approved for, I'll take you out and we'll look at as many houses as it takes to find you the one you love. Then, we submit an offer. How much? When do you want to close? Are you going to have all of the inspections? What about appraisal? The details are up to you, just like always.

This is where things get a little different. Rather than being in your name, the offer is actually in AnnieMac's name. If/When the offer is accepted, you can close within as little as two weeks. You've already been pre-approved. Appraisal can happen quickly. The only outliers are inspections (which typically don't take too long) and the title clearance from the title company (which typically takes two weeks).
The day of closing, AnnieMac closes on the house and then "sells" it to you. If you choose to get your mortgage through AnnieMac there is no fee for the CashtoKeys program. If you decide to go with another mortgage company, there is a 3% fee.
If you have any questions or what to get started, call, text or email me - whatever you prefer: 267-804-0334,